How to install a WordPress in Xampp and Wamp Server
is a Open Source Tool. In this tool, no need to have any programming skills, no
coding required. To create a website in WordPress is simple.
- · Install Wordpress:
- To install this, before that you want to install wamp or xampp server. In Wamp means, C:/Wamp/www folder and then, paste the wordpress downloaded files. For xampp means, C:/xampp/htdocs folder to paste the file. Rename the folder name in www or htdocs file. For your understanding , we put the name as yoursite
- After that, create a database name in phpMyAdmin. Then, fill the application to install wordpress.
- Now you open a website as http://localhost/yoursite
- Next, automatically wordpress starts to select your language and click, Let’s go for next process.
- Give the correct name of database you want to use for website using wordpress. Compulsorily give a database username as root and password as empty. Put the hostname as localhost and click Submit.
- Then after submitting it is shown as giving alert that wordpress is connected to the database, and you can do the next step.Click Run the install button.
- On next screen, It is automatically shows out the installation form. You need to fill the Site title, Username, Password, Your Email, etc.After fill the pages, Click Install Wordpress.
- Wordpress has been installed successfully.
- Click Log In
- Give the Username and Password
- And then Click Login
- Congratulations, Wordpress is installed and you can design a website very easily.
7 Simple steps to create wordpress themes and
- Install the Wordpress and create the database name
- After that, Use any types of themes either own or paid or a free themes as you wish to use
- Login to WordPress Admin (localhost/ in URL
- Go to plugin option, click “Add New” button you will get more plugins click any one plugin install that one and then click the “Activate” button.
- Plugin is Activated.
- Go to “Themes” Option, click “Add New Theme” you can search themes after that can pick any one to install and Activate.
- Theme
is Activated.
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